Welcome to Mattisoncrow.com!


For many years I’ve wanted to do something like this site. I’m not usually a very public person. I value my privacy, something that has faded for most people since the advent of social media. I think it’s a necessity however, that if I want to create something bigger than myself I must let go of my old ways and let it fly. 

So why am I doing this? I’m not sure myself sometimes. Let’s rewind a bit and maybe things will make sense for all of us. 

I grew up in a very practical hard working family. You go to work and make money, pay bills and raise your family. Very simple. This doesn’t leave a lot of room for things like art or music. They weren’t discouraged, just not practical. I remember a close family member telling me to find a trade and work with my hands. In my mind I had other plans. I was going to be a rock star and play by my own rules. I was in a few different bands from the time I was 13 until I was 21 or so. I had it all figured out. 

I owe a lot to my family. I learned good work ethics and never wanted for anything. My parents always made sure that us kids had what we needed no matter how terrible we could be at times. By the time I was 16, I knew what hard work was all about. I knew that the band had to work out. There was a determination present that would persist for years, even at the cost of friendships. Around that time in the late 90’s you still had to get signed by a record label to “make” it. It eventually seemed that it probably wouldn’t work out.

The creative aspect of writing songs and crafting our own music was something magical. This was what I loved so much about being a musician.  By that point I was 19 or so, had written a few songs and then busted up the band. It never really came back together as it was. I think its been over 12 years now since we have all played together. I was so determined and was putting my energy in the wrong places. That of course for those that know me was the Bus days. 

I wrote a few more songs, but then practicality kicked in and I went to work, busted ass and made a name for myself. Eventually I wouldn’t even play my guitar. It was a battle, feeling guilty for not using a God given talent. Eventually some people didn’t even know I was a musician. Something that defined me for so many years was just gone. 

In 2017 a good friend of the family invited my wife and I over to paint. I painted the “Dogg Man”. Over the years I had always flashes of artistic inspiration. Never really thought much of it. My oldest brother was the artist, not me. When I painted the “Dogg Man”, something came over me. I didn’t realize it at the time. 

Years went by. Good and bad things happened in my personal life. In March of 2018 I had a very serious medical emergency that had me in the hospital for a week and out of work for a month. I was humbled by the experience. I had never been taken down to that level before. I had a lot of time to think. I laid everything out in what I called “The Big Picture” to create various goals for my future. 

Before I went back to work in April of 2018, I decided to try my hand at painting again. I remembered a watercolor painting of some flowers I did in the 8th grade that was burned in my mind. I did that one first. I attempted to recreate the “Dogg Man” again, and wasn’t happy with the result. Then I tried to follow along with Bob Ross on TV and always wanted to try to paint along with ol’ Bob, but it always seemed out of reach. The more I painted, the more I got hooked. Now I’m studying 

So here we are. I’ve always had a determination to work hard for my goals. It has came and went over the years. But after that medical issue back in March, something changed in me. Or maybe it came back. I’m not sure. Either way, I’ve been putting a lot of time in effort in this site and these paintings. I hope you enjoy them. And just so you know, I have started writing music again. It’s going to be a bit before they will be recorded. New music is coming and I’ll update when something is moving at a good pace. 

Welcome to the site!

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